Another Student Brag Sheet
Another semester, another student brag sheet. My students are pretty awesome.
One thing I want to brag about is my Independent Study students personal projects. All of them have worked diligently on their projects throughout this semester. Some of them are continuing their projects onto the next semester while others are brainstorming new projects over the break. Excited for all of them.
Independent Study
- Bullet Hell - JG
- Minecraft: Fae Worlds Mod Pack - EP
- FlatRPGMC - KK
- Machine Learning Theory and Application w/ PyTorch- JB
- Melee Tech Trainer - JE + MI
- Ship Game (Starring: Kirbo!) - JS
- Jason’s Anime Quest - AR
Besides my Independent Study, I have a lot of students who have committed to going above and beyond our curriculum, teaching themselves computer science/tech concepts either through extra credit I have offered or through their own personal interests. Many students have learned the wonders of git version control, explored HTML/CSS and created their very first website, or tackled cybersecurity challenges and learned fundamental IT concepts. A round of applause for all of them.
Website/GitHub Bonus Offered